Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Guava – cheapest fruit in winter season with many health benefits

  Guava – cheapest fruit in winter season with many health benefits

The Scientific name of Guava is Psidium guajava. Guava helps in reducing the weight. Guava is very high in roughage and rich in vitamins, proteins and minerals. Probably due to its wealth of nutrients, which keep the metabolism regulates and helps to promote the proper absorption of nutrients. Guava can also help those patients who suffer from diabetes

The high level of dietary fiber in guava helps to regulate the absorption of sugar by the body, which decreases the chances of major spikes and drops in insulin and glucose in the body. Studies have shown that consuming guava can help prevent the appearance of type-2 diabetes Guavas are extremely good sources of vitamin-A, which is well known as a booster for vision health. It can help slow down the appearance of cataracts, mascular degeneration, and general health of the eyes. 

 One of the most celebrated and important benefits of adding guava to your diet is its ability to inhibit the growth and metastasis of cancerous cells. Finally, the naturally high levels of vitamin-C in guavas, which are four times higher than the levels found in oranges (the traditional vitamin-C powerhouse), provides the immune system a huge boost in antioxidants. Antioxidants are the major lines of defense against the proliferation of free radicals in the body, which are one of the main causes of serious conditions like cancer and heart disease. Therefore, adding guava to your diet has numerous ways in which it helps you stay health and cancer-free. 

Guava can outdo many other fruits, including orange and other citrus fruits, in terms of its concentration of vitamin-C. In fact, guavas contain 5X more vitamin-C than oranges, which are often heralded as the absolute best source of that beneficial vitamin. Guava helps reduce cholesterol in the blood and prevents it from thickening, thereby maintaining the fluidity of blood and reducing blood pressure. Studies have shown that food lacking fiber (such as refined flour) add to blood pressure, due to its quick conversion to sugar. Guava, being very rich in fiber and hypoglycemic in nature, helps reduce blood pressure.

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