Monday, January 5, 2015

Papaya – Medicinal value

Papaya – Medicinal value

Papaya is very easily available and affordable and  referred to as ‘fruits of angels’.  Papaya is packed with nutrients that are   beneficial for health which possess digestive, nutritional and medicinal value with curing capability for many diseases.  Papaya’s are beneficial against acne, pimples and other skin infections. It opens your pores of the skin. 

Papayas are mostly used in face packs. Fresh papayas possess dead cell dissolving ability that gives you a perfectly glowing skin. Papaya protective against skin infections and wounds   too.   Papayas contain digestive enzymes that digest proteins by breaking the protein content.  

Potassium present in a large amount in fresh papayas which helps in regulation of cell body fluids.  It controls flow of blood maintain the proper blood pressure. It regulates harmful sodium effects inside the body. So it protects you from heart diseases. This is why nutritional benefits of papaya do wonders for heart patients.